The nails protect the fingertips and tips of the toes from external injury. They are produced by the cuticle (outer layer of skin) and made primarily from keratin, which is a protein. It takes approximately seven calendar months for the nails to turn from beginning to end. Healthy nail beds are pink, blood rich. The profusion of blood is its protein, fat and O content, as the remainder is water. Proper diet nourishes the nails, improper weakens.
The followers are common nail complaints: thin, dry, brickle and or cracked nails, horizontal or perpendicular ridges, rounded, curved or spoon shaped nails, achromatic spots, hang-nails, fungus, etc. They are mostly caused by mediocre diet.
The nails are made primarily from protein (keratin). Low protein and low fat diets, in the extreme, be given to thin the blood, which in turn, thins everything else, including the skin, hair, nails, etc. The organic construction digests, transforms food, nutrients into blood, into structure into function.
There are only two sorts of nutrients, foods. Protein and fat, meat, eggs, chicken, cheese, etc. construct and combustible all construction and function. Water, sugar, minerals, fruit, vegetables, grains, etc, reduce, cleanse, cool and moisten.
The right amount of edifice and cleaning bring forths and keeps the right amount of construction and function: size, thickness, strength, color, etc. of the nails. Any amounts, greater or less, in the extreme, be given to weaken, thin, interruption and or discolor the nails.
Low protein and low fat (milk, yogurt, bungalow cheese, beans, nuts and seeds) diets, in the extreme, be given to weaken, thin, falsify and discolor the nails, especially in women.
Women menstruate, loose blood three to seven days, every calendar month for 30+ old age from their first menstruation to their last, menopause. They also be given to eat low protein, low fat and high saccharide diets. The combination of menses and anaemic diet be givens to do most women susceptible towards blood deficiency, one O whose symptoms is thin, cracked, contorted nails.
Low protein, low fat and high saccharide diets, in the extreme, be given to weaken digestion is improver to thinning the blood. Protein and fat build, thicken and combustible all construction and function, including the blood. Low protein and low fat reduce, thin and weaken blood, construction and function.
Weak nails that are caused by protein and fat lack can generally be corrected by a alteration in diet. Increase protein and fat, especially animal. Eat tons of greenish veggies (kale, broccoli, collards, greenish cabbage, celery, etc.). Green veggies are high in minerals and other cleaning foods that construct the nails while improving circulation. Land up benne seeds (black, white, organic if possible), 1-2 terbiums per twenty-four hours sprinkled over nutrient is effectual in rebuilding nails s is silicon oxide supplements. Alta Silica is one addendum I would recommend. Avoid, coffee, caffeine which be givens to acidify the blood. Acidic blood be givens to run out Ca and other minerals used to bring forth the bones, hair, skin, nails, teeth, etc.
Too much protein and fat, in the extreme, can also weaken, falsify and discolor the nails. The nails, fingertips and tips of toes have their blood from the bloodstream, via its vessels: arteries, venas and capillaries. Poor circulation caused by high cholesterin arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis, obesity, etc. tin also cut down blood to the extremities: nails and toe nails, reducing and or warping growth. Protein and fat build, thicken. In excess, they build, thicken the nails, skin, etc. until circulation, blood, protein and fat are reduced, at which clip the nails harden, yellowish and distort.
Decrease protein and fat if you endure from high cholesterin arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis, gout, high uric acid, etc.
Too many saccharides (grain, pasta, bread, salads, natural vegetable, tropical fruits, juices, shakes, etc.), inch the extreme, thin and weaken digestion, acid and enzymes, decreasing food absorption, blood, hair, skin, nails, bones. etc.
Decrease natural vegetables, salads, tropical fruits, juices, smoothies, shakes, cold drinks, etc. if you endure from weak digestion, fatigue, anemia, coldness, weak nails, etc.
For fungus status attempt acetum and water. Decrease natural vegetables, salads, tropical; fruits, milk, yogurt, cold drinks, etc. Kingdom Fungi generally boom in cold, dampish and sweet.
The are some nail deformities, ridges that are caused by worms and or parasites. This tin be medically diagnosed. If so utilize seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower) and spices (cardamon, cumin, coriander, fennel, ginger, cayenne, turmeric, etc.).
The following, day-to-day diet, repast plan, 2-3 modern times per day, preferably breakfast and lunch, is recommended:
1/3 Protein and fat (meat, eggs, chicken, cheese, beans, nuts, seeds, etc.).
1/3 Grain (rice, noodles, bread, etc.).
1/3 Cooked veggies (3-5, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, onions, kale, celery, etc.), fruit (1).
Spices (cumin, coriander, fennel, etc.), tea (peppermint) and or soup.
Eat from hot (building) to cold (cleansing). Eat a small fruit at the end of the meal.
Check with your physician before making any alterations to the manner you eat.
For more than information, delight read Hot and Cold Health. Learn the whole before diagnosing or treating the part.
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